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Military medical records request Form: What You Should Know

How to Submit a Request Mail a letter requesting a specific DD Form 877-1 to: Military Personnel Records Program, National Archives and Records Administration Military Personnel Records Program National Air and Space Museum, Building 821 Washington DC (No signature required).

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Military medical records request form

Instructions and Help about Military medical records request form

How to get medical records: If you need to access your medical information, you'll have to follow a procedure to avoid delays. You will need a care provider, legal guidelines, a written request, a medical identification number, personal information, and persistence. Optionally, you can contact the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights. Step 1: Contact your care provider for information on how to obtain copies of your medical records. The Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act permits access, and most offices provide a release form to request medical records. Step 2: Follow state guidelines to request authorization for your records or those of someone deceased. This may involve contacting several sources as doctors will not include the pharmacist's log, nor will a hospital provide more than third-party reports. Step 3: Pick up the records at the office. You may be charged a fee for obtaining such records, such as a medical summary. HIPAA allows charges for copying and postage but does not permit offices to assess fees for locating records. Step 4: Make a written request for yourself or someone deceased, including the name of the care provider or facility, and a medical identification number. Provide a complete name, social security number, date of birth, and patient number if known. Step 5: Identify the purpose of the letter and the date of treatment. Specify the records requested, such as physicians' and nurses' notes, test results, prescription records, lab tests, and consultations with other physicians. If access is denied, file a complaint with the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights and with state regulators to have your materials released. Step 6: Require the information within 30 days or request a letter stipulating the reason for delay and a date for...