The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs connects veterans and their families to a multitude of services and benefits. Military discharge documentation, such as the DD 214, is the critical starting point to apply for almost any veteran benefit or service. It is also an authoritative source of information for both governmental agencies and the Armed Forces for purposes of employment benefits and reenlistment data. A DD 214 or other discharge document indicates the veteran's period of service with the Armed Forces at the time of the member's separation, discharge, or change of military status. A document so vital should be kept in a safe place. It is highly recommended that veterans record their discharges with their county courthouse so they are able to obtain free certified copies for the remainder of their life, which will also be available upon their death. If you do not currently have a copy of the Certificate of Release or Discharge (DD Form 214), now is the time to obtain it before you need it. Visit the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs website for details on how to secure a copy of your discharge documents or for further information on any of the programs and services available to veterans.
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What does a Dd 215 look like Form: What You Should Know
The final out processing appointment (FORA) is the final step before you are allowed to take advantage of federal military benefits after your military service is complete. Military members are allowed to use a DD Form 214 to correct any information that was not recorded correctly on a previous DD Form 214. Note- Make sure your previous separation document has the same date as the form you are correcting. The DD 214 record information is not correct by the Army or Air Force and this will result in an error not being corrected. Use a DD Form 215 If you are a civilian who is on active duty, you can also use the Army, Air Force, or Navy Form 214 to correct your military service record. Use a Form 214 (DD Form 214) Correction — General. (To correct your DD Form 214, use the DD Form 214 correction, or if your DD214 is not in the correct format, you can use the correct Form 214.) Military members must have completed a specific period of active military duty by their 18th birthday to use it as a correction. Military members may only use their DD Form 214 when their separation order has been filed with the Department of Defense.'s DD-214 Correction's DD-214 Correction tool can help you correct an error on a DD Form 214. If you are retired the DD Form 214 does not exist. You may not be eligible to use the DD Form 215, correction, if you are: If you cannot use any of the military branch's forms, the DD Form 214, correction of DD Form 214 can help. You can use this form for Military Discharge Records. If the service branch is in a different language, and you cannot view instructions in English. If you are not certain your DD Form 214 is properly recorded, you can use the Military Discharge Records Requested Correction, which is also Military Discharge Records Requested Correction, which is also available in Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese. When filling DD Form 214 or Form 212, the information about your military service, discharge order, separation date, and discharge date(s) cannot be in any other format. You have more questions? You may get help with your Military Discharge Records. Furthermore, you may call the Military Discharge Records Line. If you would like to get online help or contact a free veteran service lawyer, please see's Free Veteran Legal Services.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing What does a Dd 215 look like